Prophecies in English

English Version
Millennium Prophecies
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Manacapuru, Amazonas, Brasil
Fone: 55-92-9147-5655
Millennium Prophecies
As received by John Kevin Byrne

(year received 1987)
( Location Received: Christ for the Nations Institute,Dallas, Texas, USA )
Yes!!! There is a revival coming! Not a revival of showmanship but a revival of survival.
God says, "I am going to change your concept of ministry. This will be a revival of the common man. Not a restoration of special men to be lifted up as idols. "I want to change your traditional religious concepts of ministry. I will relieve you of the pressure of trying to be something or someone that I have not called you to be. I will set you free to
be and to see who you are in Me!

(year received 1990 at Christ for the Nations Institute, 
Dallas, Texas, USA)
"There is coming a changing of the guard! The Lord will replace each former man of
God with many common people He will raise up from the dust of the ground.
This will be a generation of Light
That will break forth in the night!!"

(year received 2000 in Curitiba, Paraná, 
Brasil visiting YWAM)

In the days to come China will rise up with great power and purpose to take its position as the final world power. In these days many nations will seek alliance with China to escape its anger.
North America will make its opposition known with complaint and threat but with no effect.
Great persecution because of the name of Jesus will bring great fear and will cause God's people to cry out to Him with anguish and desperation. Those who had been false prophets will either be exposed and disappear or repent. The God of Abraham will then hear the cry of His children and send true prophets and ministers who will comfort and encourage His people. They will be like tabernacles filled with the presence and anointing of the living God; bringing new life, perspective, and insight as they lead God's people into His presence

(January 2001 at CTMDT;
Centro de Treinamento Ministerial Diante do Trono, 
in Melo Viana, MG, Brazil - Founder; Ana Paula Valadão
"MissionaryTraining Camp in Front of the Throne of God" )
God is bringing revival to the earth. Especially in specific places for a wonderful purpose in the days to come. God is preparing common people all over the globe to minister in His power and now is the time to make yourself available for this purpose.  There are many changes about to take place throughout the world.  World powers are about to change.  Religious and financial institutions will be shaken. Peoples faith will be tested by great difficulties. Nations and peoples who had been proud and arrogant will be humbled and cry out for forgiveness and help from God.  Now is not the time to become more religious but it is a time to establish and enhance the presence of God in our lives.
Traditional forms of Christianity will be abolished or curtailed in many parts of the world including the United States.  God will allow this in order to establish pure relationship and worship with Him, in Spirit and truth, so that His people will hear His voice without the distraction or control of man made religion.  Now is the time God is preparing a people to carry His presence and anointing to those who will cry out for Him during this time.  God is opening the hearts of people in specific places in the earth for this purpose. 

Many will be astonished saying; How is this possible? How could God allow this to happen?”.   Be it known that God is not only allowing this tribulation but He is the director of it.  The Church has fallen asleep.  The people no longer listen to the voice of the Lord but to the doctrines and concepts of men.   Religion is plentiful but its leaders direct God’s people to themselves rather than to God.  Even those people and groups who carry the presence of God allow themselves to be elevated above others, because of their anointing or revelation, causing people to look to them for direction instead of God alone. God’s purpose in sending His Son  to die for us was to re-establish direct relationship and communication with each believer eliminating the need for any other mediator other than Christ.

The prophecies in this page are three combined that were received by me at four separate times since the year 1987. I do not claim them to be 100% accurate myself being human and subject to error.
Having  now just entered into the year 2001 I sense the need to release them and let the Lord use them for His purpose.  I am also in the process of writing a book to help prepare the church for the days to come. This I am putting on the internet as I write it so it is a book in process.  I make no claim to being a great author or prophet. Only a common man trying to listen to the voice of my Heavenly Father and follow after Jesus Christ as best I can. May God bless you and reveal Himself to you.
In Christ's Love,
John Kevin Byrne